Faculty SupportI've had several roles organizing and running faculty development across all disciplines - both for undergraduate teachers and graduate student mentors. I've run curricular design workshops, institutes on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, and numerous workshops on inclusive teaching practices such as transparent assignment design, project-based learning, and course-based undergraduate research experiences. I've ensured adequate investments are in place to invite experts from around the country to come give hands-on trainings to faculty. While at Nevada State College, I organized the Provost's Speaker Series and brought in speakers like Dr. La'Tonya Rease Miles (pictured above) from Loyola Marymount University, who discussed "Inclusive Classroom Strategies that Support and Empower First Generation Students, " and Dr. Saundra Yancy McGuire, director emerita of the Center for Academic Success at Louisiana State University, who presented "Including Metacognitive Strategies in Teaching, Advising and Tutoring." At Goucher College, I brought experts such as Dr. Leslie Gonzalez from the University of Michigan and co-PI of the NSF ASPIRE program to help faculty understand how subtle structural barriers keep us from recruiting, retaining, advancing and authentically valuing scholars of color. I also ran the New Faculty Institute for 2 years, which was a monthly gathering of new faculty to build community, gain skills, and navigate the early stressors of being a tenure track faculty.
Postdoctoral SupportI currently oversee the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and also direct the AGEP PROMISE Academy, a multi-institution alliance in the university system of Maryland that recruits, trains, and supports postdoctoral fellows through a two year fellowship and converts them into tenure track positions within the university system. Programming organized for postdocs includes workshops on writing manuscripts, preparing grants, preparing materials for the academic job market, learning inclusive teaching practices, and becoming an effective mentor.
Graduate Student SupportGraduate Student professional development is now the majority of where I invest my time, and I am so heartened by the breadth of skills, experiences, and passions that grad students bring to their work. I'm humbled to help these tremendous scholars refine their practice, hone new skills, build their network and succeed on the job market.
Currently, I direct the PROMISE program at UMBC where we provide weekly professional development that helps graduate students succeed in their doctoral and master's programs and prepare for a workforce within and beyond academia. We also work consistently with grad student development offices at UMB and UMCP to cultivate social interactions and a sense of belonging across the university system through our Fall Harvest Dinners, Research Symposium, and Summer Success Institutes. Weekly programming includes panels, speakers, and hands-on trainings in both virtual and in-person environments. |